There’s always something incredibly charming about owning an old home. Some of the oldest style buildings around always look so strong, sturdy, and they’re certainly full of character. Some of the places were even built by masons that spend so much time putting them together, not quite like the modern cookie cutter homes that we’re used to today. So it’s no surprise that so many of us are more attracted to these older homes than anything else. However, you don’t always want your old home to look and feel that way when it comes to the interiors. When you love all things modern, you may want to inject a bit of your own style and today’s trends into your stunning old house. And you certainly can do that with such a stunning finish, so let’s look at how.
Rip Everything Out
The first thing that you’re always going to want to do when you want a more modern home, is to rip everything out. Yes, it can seem a little crazy, especially when there’s a lot of character in the place. But if you want to go modern, all of the old, rotting, and quaint looking fittings and fixtures have to go. Feel free to keep some characterful pieces like wooden trims or fireplaces, as these can be modernized as you go forward.
Channel Clean Lines
Next, you need to make sure that all of your choices and efforts during the design process focus on clean lines. And by that, we mean that there is a sort of fluidity and simplicity in the design. Everything is quite modular and it just works. So be sure to work this into your wall and floor updates, and when picking out fittings and fixtures for the kitchen and bathrooms.

Stick To A Simple Colour Palette
From here, you’re then going to want to be quite clever with your colour choices. You don’t want to pick anything too quaint or dowdy. Instead, you want to make sure that you work with modern paint colours that will really bring your old home into the present. So have fun. Keep a lot of monochrome in the base, but don’t be afraid to work in some fun colours too.
Work In Modular Shapes
So far, so good. We’re on the right path to modernizing your home. But now, you have to make sure that you don’t undo it all with the furniture and furnishings that you put in. Again, stick to stores that offer modular shapes and more modern designs, such as denelli italia furniture, to add to the space. That way, you’ll be creating a really modern finish, and bringing the full look together.
Keep Everything Minimalistic
As a final point to remember, you’re going to want to try and channel minimalism with everything that you do. From your fitting and fixtures to your furnishings, keep things minimalistic. When you get too fussy, the space won’t look modern. So try to keep things paired down and you will always be able to create a more modern finish.