A Garden That Can Stand The Test Of A Great British Summer

Great British Summer
Photo source: Flickr - https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2362/2210556480_e02eecfe5e_b.jpg

Ahh, the Great British summer. Most of us are excited about it now because let’s be honest; this dreary weather is getting depressing. With March around the corner, we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. We’re starting to think about stripping the jumpers and getting out in the sun again.

There’s just one hitch. When it comes to British summers, it’s often less fun in the sun, and much more of the same. Over recent years, our weather has been set at one level – grey. Sure, we’ve had the odd week of glorious sunshine. But, it rarely extends past that.

Which begs the question of how you can prepare an outside space which stands the test of summers like these? After all, we’re nothing if not determined, and we all want an outdoor area to enjoy when the sun does make its appearance. But many of us fail to consider a garden set-up which can stand the not-so-sunny weather.

It may sound like an impossible feat but trust us; it’s not. All you need to do is prepare for every terrible weather eventuality. And, here’s how.

Incorporate a shelter

In an ideal world, we would all be able to sit out in the middle of the garden with the sun blazing down. But, this is not an ideal world, and failure to incorporate a shelter to your garden could see you stuck inside. Not to mention that much of your furniture would soon be ruined. Instead, find a way to include a sheltered area. This way, you’ll have the option to head outside no matter what the weather’s doing.

There are a few different ways to make this work for you. Which is best depends entirely on your needs. If you want to keep your garden looking pristine, you could opt for a pop-up gazebo. This has the benefit of being retractable when the sun does shine, or when you want to clear the space. Or, you might want to opt for permanent shelter. A roof on your porch could look fantastic and keep you dry all at the same time. On top of which, this is a permanent set up. It’ll allow you to keep your garden furniture on display for the entirety of the season.

If neither of these appeals, you could always opt for an in-between by investing in a retractable fixed sunroof. This may not provide as adequate protection as the other options. But, it’ll at least shelter you when the drizzle threatens.

Weatherproof your furniture

Even with a shelter, you might want to think about weatherproofing your furniture. That means ensuring it’s safe come rain, wind, frost, shine, or whatever summer throws at you. Don’t skip this step just because you have a shelter, either. If the wind and rain are raging, you won’t be safe even then. The good news is, there are waterproof options available. Opting for plastic chairs with removable cushions is always a good idea. It ensures you can prepare for anything with little hassle. If you don’t fancy even that amount of effort, you could always visit Bridgman here or do your own search for waterproof cushions which stand the rain. Think, too, about the materials your options are made of. Wood and wicker may look better than plastic, but it won’t last. Those gorgeous garden chairs won’t look as good when the wood goes green and starts to rot. If you do go for wooden choices, make sure to keep on top of maintenance which can keep the weather at bay.

Provide Sources of heat

Let’s not beat around the bush; hot is a loose term when it comes to British summers. The weather does get undeniably warmer, but it’s not unusual for there to be a little chill in there sometimes. And, when that happens, you may miss out on spending time in your garden. Indeed, most of us head indoors come September and miss out on those last summer days.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way. You could spend long lounging evenings in the garden if you’d only provide yourself with a heat source. What’s more, this could see you spending time outside well into autumn.

Again, options here vary. You could go all out with a firepit if you’re willing to put the work in. Though, in truth, you may opt to go inside instead of bothering to light a fire. To ensure you don’t take the lazy way out, why not invest in a patio heater? There are plenty of options here, not all of which have to break the bank. And, warming up is as easy as switching on. No more excuses!

Photo source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/0/0a/Toroa_Garden.jpg/640px-Toroa_Garden.jpg

Batten down the hatches

As though the rain and the cold weren’t enough to contend with, we always have to prepare for windy conditions. In many ways, these are worst of all. At least you can shelter from rain and adjust temperatures. Wind is a much harder beast to contend with. And, when we see wind on the forecast, most of us rush outside and put our garden set-ups out of harm’s way. It’s the only way to stop your chairs from going all over the place, isn’t it?

Perhaps not. If you prepare for this by securing things, you might not have to worry here. In truth, there’s no easy fix with this. You can’t exactly nail things down. But, there are steps you can. Again, think about materials here. Wrought iron options are much less likely to get carried away than plastic ones. Think, too, about what you do with this furniture when it isn’t in use. Stacking your chairs in a corner, for instance, will help to weigh them down. It’s easier than packing them into the shed, that’s for sure. If wind is on the way, you could even weigh your table down with weighty bricks. Make sure to put down cloths first, though. You wouldn’t want to damage anything!

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