Whether you like it or not, the weather is turning colder once again. The leaves are falling from the trees, and winter is just around the corner. For some of us, this can be a time of great stress as we worry about how we are going to keep the house warm without causing a massive utility bill. This struggle is felt by many people up and unfortunately, some people really do have to choose between heating and eating. However, there are a few ways you can help insulate your home and yourself to help keep the heating down while staying warm in the process.
Make your Curtains Count
Maximizing the effectiveness of your curtains is a great way to keep things warm. Firstly, it may be good to invest in some thick warm curtains, with valances that are able to keep the cold at bay. You can find some pretty decent curtains for a relatively low price if you search prosperity, and this investment could save you a lot on heat loss. However, if it is sunny during the day, you should open the curtains as wide as possible as the sun shining through the glass will heat up the interior.
Take a look at your home and see if there are any pieces of furniture blocking the radiators. Anything like a sofa or armchair will be absorbing the heat rather than letting the heat radiate into the room. This means your other radiators will be working harder to get the house warmer, and it will take longer before your thermostat reaches the desired temperature level. This wastes both gas and your money.
With the cost of gas and electricity expected to keep on rising year on year, perhaps not is the time to invest in proper insulation. Think cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, draft excluders on the doors, double or triple glazing, or even a secondary glazing window if double glazing is not permitted. There are many different forms of insulation and what you need may depend on the house you have. However, there is no doubt that insulation will help your home maintain heat and this will mean you have lower energy bills.
Insulate Yourself
No, that does not mean eat more, it means wrap up warm. You could go there the whole hog and get thermal underwear, but if you wear decent trousers, warm socks, and a jumper, you will keep the cold at bay. If the temperature in the house makes you sweat in your jumper, then you know you can turn it down.
Insulate your Hot Water Tank
If you still use a hot water tank, then ensure that it is properly insulated. If you wrap your tank up, it will keep the water hotter for longer and will save you a decent sum of money over time.
Upgrade your Heating System
It may be more cost-effective in the long run to upgrade your heating system. If your boiler is particularly old, it is probably not very efficient, and it probably needs more maintenance work. If possible, it may be worth having a new type of boiler such as a combi boiler installed. Combi boilers work more effectively, are more controllable, are cheaper to run, and avoid the use of a water tank, so it can actually mean you have more space in your home. Additionally, think about where your radiators are, could you do with a couple more, especially in cold rooms? If your home is all-electric, think about having new storage heaters or other types of electric heating installed. Talk to your energy supplier as some of the suppliers have special tariffs for all-electric properties, making it cheaper to run storage heating.
Upgrading your boiler or other heater systems can make a major difference. This tends to get overlooked when it comes to saving money in the wintertime. Usually, boilers need to be replaced every 15 to 25 years. Companies like Bbright can help out with this, including the installation process. If you live in an older house then it may very well be time to look into making that heater upgrade.
Radiator Panels
Radiator panels are a great way to maximize the heat being emitted from your radiators. It is a long piece of metal that you pout between your radiator and the wall. They work by absorbing the heat and radiating it back out into the room, and that means you are not just heating up the wall.
Whether you have wooden, laminate, or tiled flooring, why not lay a rug down to keep the heat in. A rug can ensure that you do not lose a lot of heat through the floor, and they ensure that you don’t lose heat through your feet on those trips to the bathroom. They definitely have the effect of making the room feel warmer. Additionally, you can be as stylish and chic as you want with a rug. They can definitely jazz up any room.