You’ve recently moved into a new house and it doesn’t quite feel like home yet. Everyone knows the feeling. The walls seem bright and bare, the cupboards are empty and you’ve inherited a tonne of mismatched furniture with no idea as to where it should go. Specks of dust line the tops of the door frames and the ruddy old carpets look trodden and worn. Sound familiar? Things might look a little dank and depressing at first. Even the most attractive houses still need a spot of tender loving care when you first move in. Follow a few easy steps to turn your new house into the homeliest of homes.
Everybody Needs Good Neighbours
Don’t be afraid to go and knock on your neighbour’s door. The chances are they’ll be delighted that you’ve made the effort. There’s nothing worse than that awkward first encounter when you’re both taking your bins out in your dressing gown! Being friendly with next door is handy too. You might be stuck without Wi-Fi for a few weeks or you desperately need a coffee and you ran out of milk. The chances are they’ll be around to help you out for a while, so make yourself at home and get to know them.
Get Personal
One of the best ways to create a homely vibe is to dig out some personal items which make you feel at home. You might have some hilarious pictures of you and your best mate or a hand painted mug that your little nephew gave to you as present. Add a small personal touch to each room from your kitchen to the bathroom. Kit your house out with your favourite knick-knacks and you’ll forget what it was ever like without them!
Make a Rainbow
Think of a theme for each room, it can be anything from a pop of colour on a wall in the lounge to a retro rug in the hallway. Experiment with some different colours and find something you love. Don’t go too overboard and create a rainbow explosion. Try and stick with one or two complimentary colours for each space in your home.
Enhance and Embellish
There are tonnes of online home decorations stores kitted out with some awesome accessories. Find a funky lamp that will assist your bedtime reading or an avant-garde coat rack which would look great in your hallway. Attempt to pick out a handful of items that match your personality. Your house will start to feel like it really belongs to you.
Comfort is Key
Your bed needs to be the most peaceful and comfortable place in your home. A good night’s sleep is so important so make sure you’ve got the right gear to make yourself feel cosy each evening. Stock up on some super snug cushions and blankets. You’ll thank yourself in winter when you’re sheltered in your homemade den listening to the icy winds blowing against your windows.