How Often Should You Change Your Bedroom?

The ideal bedroom is a clean space
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When you stay in a hotel room for several days, it’s not uncommon for the cleaning staff to ask whether you want to have your towels and bed sheets changed daily. As a rule of the thumb, more and more holidaymakers choose to keep the same sheets for the whole duration of their stay. Many think it’s an unnecessary waste of water and energy; and, environmental regulations have since proven them right.

However, eco-friendly behaviours aside, there’s no denying that even at home you should change your bed regularly. The only question that is left to answer is how often you need to check your bedroom and your bed. Failing to keep your bedroom feeling clean and fresh can not only lead to potential health issues, but it also affects the quality of your sleep. Here’s a short guideline to help you make the most of it:

Every 5 to 8 years: Your mattress

How old is your mattress? If you can’t remember, it’s probably time to change it. Indeed, as a rule of the thumb, you should replace your mattress every 8 years on average. Most mattresses come with a 5-year guarantee – as it’s the case for Silentnight mattresses – which is an indication of how long manufacturers expect a mattress to hold its shape. You can find different recommendations based on materials, but ultimately the longer you keep your mattress, the less comfortable it becomes.

Every 2 to 3 years: Children’s bedrooms

Repainting your bedroom is not something you need to plan yearly. If you’ve used quality paint, you can maintain your bedroom décor for 10 years or longer. However, there is an exception, and it’s your child’s bedroom. Children grow up rapidly and as they do their interests can change, meaning that the décor you picked for your toddler won’t work anymore when your child is in primary school. Additionally, children can be messy at times, so it’s a good idea to repaint the room every 2 to 3 years. This will cover all fingerprints and accidental colouring and damages made to the wall!

Every week: Your bed sheets

How often in one year do you change your bedsheets? Most people keep their bed sheets for 2 to 4 weeks before replacing them. In reality, you should wash your bed sheets every week as they accumulate dead skin cells, sweet and even pet hair if you’ve got a friendly dog or cat. Gradually, they can become a welcoming environment for dust mites and bed bugs! Keep your nights fresh by changing your sheets regularly. One fundamental thing people forget to wash at least once a year is their duvet.

At least once a week: refresh your floor

Does it need saying? Most households clean their floor once a week, which is all it takes to keep your hard floor clean. However, if you’ve got pets, you might need to vacuum your home at least twice a week to prevent allergies and respiratory issues from developing. Carpeted floors need a deep clean at least twice a year, or more regularly if you have young children.

Keeping your bedroom healthy, safe and refreshed can improve your sleeping routine. After all, there’s nothing more satisfying than lying down under a crisp sheet at night! So give your bedroom the 5-star hotel treatment!

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