Did you know that the PC you have now might not be fully optimised for gaming? A lot of FPS doesn’t really help with your gaming experience, so it’s helpful to find out what’s going on so that you can enjoy your games properly. The good news is that there are many ways for you to optimise your computer so that you can have the best experience with your games.
How to Make Games run Well on your PC
PC gaming has plenty of benefits over console gaming. You can take advantage of higher-quality graphics and even the fact that you can install mods as well. It’s also up to you to ensure that your computer is able to put out the best performance. The problem is that there are so many PC configurations out there that it can be difficult to ensure that your PC is up to par. Some of the many things that could be slowing your PC down include the fact that you have too many background programs or that you have malware. Taking care of these issues first may help you to increase the speed of the games you run. If you feel as though you have done this already, then you need to move on to your FPS. If you’re struggling running big games, then see how your system runs when playing live dealer baccarat. This will show you if your problem lies more with video or live content, as opposed to graphics-based games.
Finding your Current FPS
If you aren’t sure what FPS you have right now for your game, then there are a few ways that you can find out this information. Many PC games come with the option in the video settings tab, where you can display your FPS. If you use Steam then this will come with an option to see the FPS, so keep that in mind.
Reducing your Resolution
Higher resolutions essentially increase the number of pixels that you see on your screen. Higher resolutions increase the amount of pixels that your graphics card has to render. This can reduce your FPS by quite a lot. Ideally, you’ll want to run your games at whatever resolution your screen is. If you are finding it hard to maintain your FPS after you reduce your other settings, then reducing your screen resolution is a good option here. Almost every game will come with the option to do this from the menu.
Changing the Settings
If you look at NVIDIA or even AMD then you will soon see that they both come with control panels. This gives you the chance to change all of your performance settings on the card. Of course, there are many options when it comes to the control panel and this may increase the FPS in your game. The most important thing that you need to take note of here is your power mode. You need to change this to “max” as this will mean that your graphics card won’t be trying to save processing power.
Download some Software
Another thing that you need to do is try and download some FPS booster software. The great thing about investing in something like this is that it helps to increase your framerate in games. The best software will stop your background processes and it will also free up some of your computer power for the long-term as well. Microsoft have added the Game Mode in Windows 10. This can be accessed with ease, and the only thing that you have to do is press the Windows Key and then the letter G when you are in the game. The great thing about gaming mode is that it reduces the impact that other programs have on your system when you are gaming. You may be better off closing some of them down manually when you are using task manager though, as this will help you to get the best result out of your system overall. Razer also have their very own software called Cortex. This prioritises your resources and it’s free too.
Change your Game’s Settings
When you are fiddling with the resolution of your game, try and tweak some of the other settings too. This will give you even more of an FPS boost. Some games have very simple settings that give you the chance to adjust by level. You can do this on low, medium, high and even ultra-high sometimes. Some games have sliders or numerical settings that give you the chance to have way more nuanced controls, so keep that in mind if possible. If you want to get the best result out of your game then try and reduce the quality of shadows, reflections, lighting and textures. Your game won’t look as great but the speed improvement that you get should really help you.
Another thing that you can do to help your gaming experience would be for you to look into your anti-aliasing. This will smooth the edges of your objects and it will make a big difference to your graphics. If you know that your game offers various types of anti-aliasing then try and change each one so that you can make sure that you are choosing the right option. There’s also an option for draw distancing. This will stop your game from trying to render objects that are a long way away so that you can put more power into your immediate environment. This is one less thing for your GPU to worry about and it will make it easier for you overall.
Of course, there are many things that you have to think about when you invest in a gaming PC, including the hard drive space and the general speed of the machine. That being said, it’s incredibly important that you tweak your settings too so that you can make the most out of your system. If FPS is something that you are struggling with, then it’s more than possible for you to sort this issue out if you simply follow the above tips. You may even find that you are able to speed up even the most intensive games as well, so it’s well worth trying if you can.
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