Spring is normally the time that many people like to deep clean and declutter their homes. While I think this is a great thing to do, I also feel that this time of years lends itself to this sort of cleaning and tidy up routine as well. That is because Christmas is nearly upon us. It is the time of year where you are likely to have guest dropping by, entertaining in the evening and accumulating a few new things on Christmas day. So why wouldn’t we want to declutter our home in time for this festive season? Which is why I thought I would share with you some top tips to help you do that.
Try the five-minute rule
Time is one of the biggest things we just don’t have enough of, let’s be honest. So instead of overwhelming yourself with such a big task, why not set yourself a goal of five minutes each day. In the grand scheme of things, five minutes is not a long time at all. Use this five minutes to walk around your home getting rid of clutter, or attempting to sort out a wardrobe or set of drawers. Once the five minutes up, leave it and carry on again the next day. It will take time, but you will begin to see the results gradually. If you feel that five minutes is not enough, then extend it to ten or twenty. Just make it manageable for your routine.
Work your way from room to room
Sometimes it’s easy just to set yourself a goal of tackling one room at a time. So prioritize the places that need the most attention first and work your way through your home, decluttering as and when you can. You could even use the five-minute rule with this, as you just focus on one area instead of your whole home. Sometimes you will come across things you will want to keep, but perhaps don’t have the space. That might mean records or videos. This is when using services like Nationwide could create a more space saving solution.
Be brutal
When it comes to decluttering your home you have to be brutal with your decisions. It’s no good storing things just in case. This is especially important for things like clothes. If you haven’t worn it in at least 12 months, the chances are you never will. We all have that one dress or pair of jeans we hope will come back in style, or will fit once more, but if we are honest they are just taking up space. Once you start to see the difference less clutter makes, it will be easier to make those harder decisions. If you are struggling, then store the items in a different location like an attic or basement. If again you have no need for them in the future it should cement your decision further to get rid for good.
Make some money in the process
Finally, as it is nearing Christmas, many of us are looking at ways to boost our income. So selling unwanted items on websites like eBay could be a great way to add some cash to your Christmas budget. You might not have used it, but I’m sure there is someone who will.
I hope this helps you declutter your home in time for the festive season.