Part three of how migraines affect me
Last year I wrote 2 articles on how migraines affect me and also wrote a piece for the Challenging Migraine magazine for Migraine Action, so as things have changed for me at the minute I thought it was time for a quick update. I have suffered with them for over 30 years and they can last up to 3 days each, with intense pain, sometimes vomiting and slurred speech or sentences in the wrong order (to me sounds like I’m drunk so what other people must think I have no idea, and I don’t even drink alcohol!).
So while I was trying to manage meal times and sleep patterns better which did help reduce the frequency of my migraine attacks, at the moment I have only had 3 migraines in 9 months instead of at their peak, at least 1 a week.
So what has changed that has reduced my migraine attacks?
A very good question and one that I have been asking myself for a few months. I have only come up with ONE theory as my diet and sleep patterns have remained the same. For the past 9 months I have been living in the North West of England and where I currently am they do not add fluoride to the water supply. I have been thinking about it a lot and while my situation at the moment should be much more stressful than at home, I expected the same or more migraine attacks. But as I already said, I have had 3 in 9 months and instead of lasting 3 days, 2 have lasted 1 day and 1 has lasted 3 days and the pain hasn’t been so intense. The only change I can think of is the difference in water (or possibly the Northern air).
Now I am not a doctor, nor do I have any idea if fluoride would have any relevance to migraines but once I go back down south if I start getting more attacks for a longer duration again then it will be something I will have to speak to my doctor about and maybe switch to bottled water, even for the making tea.
It would be interesting to know if anyone else has experienced something similar or if this is just wishful thinking and I should be looking for a different trigger.