Getting Ready to Move? Tips For You


When you finally decide that you want to move home, it can be one of the most stressful – and exciting decisions you make.

The thing is that your home is exactly that; it’s your home. The inside is decorated to your tastes; the garden is filled with the flowers you love – or paved because you prefer low-maintenance.

Even the smell of your home is unique to you.

So, when you’re greeting ready to move, there are few areas that you need to pay special attention to.


Estate agents have a wealth of knowledge about how to stage your home and the best way to ensure that you get a sale in a reasonable amount of time. Choose an estate agent with high reviews and with a range of different properties on their books.

Take their advice when it comes to the small tips and tricks that can make the process smoother.

Deep Clean

No matter how much you clean your home, it is essential to have it deep cleaned before you start viewings.

A deep clean by a professional will give your home a fresh ‘blank canvas’ feel – which is perfect for house viewings.


Decluttering can be done before the deep clean, during, and after. There is a high possibility that you have more stuff that you need.

Reduce the cost of moving vans by reducing what you need to take with you, and give a more accurate representation of how spacious the rooms are.

Decluttering can also be done in stages, starting with more significant items and ending with smaller things. Before you start putting everything in the trash, think about if you could make money or donate the items.


If you have pets, then even if you don’t think they have a scent to them, people without pets who walk in the door for viewing will be able to tell.

If you already washed the animal’s bedding once a week, it might be time to consider a different non-adsorbent material to help reduce the smell.

If your animals are allowed to sleep on sofas, rugs, and beds, the next thing to do is get all of the upholstery washed – this is important if the house will remain filled with furniture during the sales process.


The people who come to view the home need to be able to imagine themselves living there. This can be made more difficult if there are memories and smiling faces all over the walls.

Depersonalization is also about you detaching from the home too. So removing some of the very personal items and perhaps placing them in storage before you move can help with that process.

The more of the personal items that are removed, the more of a blank canvas the house will feel like to prospective buyers.

And one final tip is that no matter what the season, fill the space with as much natural light as possible. This gives the impression that the room is ample and welcoming.

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