IT’S CHRISTMAS!!! Well, it is nearly Christmas and it’s that time of year again where you have to start racking your brains for that awful task of present buying. For me, every year is the same in that I never know what to buy for anyone.
This year’s Christmas shopping is going to be very different with lockdown, shop closures and socially distanced shopping, meaning a lot more gifts will be online purchases. On one hand, that might be less stressful as you can sit at home with a nice cup of tea (or whatever else you choose to drink), grab a laptop and virtually explore all your favourite shops (and even some that you have never used before) – no crowded shopping centres with frantic shoppers fighting for presents, sounds like bliss to me. But on the other hand, without a visit to the shops you can’t see and feel the quality of any gifts that you want to buy or catch something out of the corner of your eye that might just be the best present ever and one that you had never even considered buying.
No matter how you are doing your Christmas gift shopping, virtually or braving any shops that may be open, you still have the same problem; “WHAT DO I BUY??? ARGHH!!!”
Well, unfortunately I can’t tell you that as I don’t know you, the people you are buying gifts for or even your budget. But all is not lost, I can help you in a small way with some gift suggestions of products that we have been lucky to try out in our house.
Whilst trying to find that perfect gift for a loved one can be quite difficult and stressful, I have been busy trying out some things that I think would make excellent pressie ideas and hopefully help you finding a gift that little bit easier.
For the gamers, what about a new gaming headset? For the music lovers, wireless earbuds always go down a treat. For the DIYers, a Leatherman multitool is the perfect companion. For those that like to stay in the warm and enjoy having fun with their families and friends, then board games are always a winner.
And then, of course, is the kids. What about some indoor action toys that can be played with in the house like the Indoor Boomerang? Or games and toys that help with their education, like the Artie 3000 coding robot? And what about the technophile? A hardware security key like the YubiKey might be a good idea to keep their online accounts secure.
So take a look at my Christmas Gift Guide, read what I thought of each product and maybe it will help you with your Christmas present shopping list, or even just to help you get a small Christmas treat for yourself.
Click here to read my Christmas Gift Guide 2020 reviews