How To Find Calm When Life Is Stressful

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

How do you react when life is stressful? Do you buckle under the pressure or do you manage to find some semblance of calm, despite the chaos around you?

These are questions worth asking, as, for the benefit of our mental health, it is important to rise above the stressors that life throws at us. If we can find calm, we can take the stress out of conflict situations, the stress out of moving house, and the stress out of a new job appointment. By finding calm, we can take the stress out of almost anything.

Of course, we shouldn’t simplify this. Life can throw some giant curveballs at us, so finding a sense of calm isn’t always easy. But here are some suggestions that could help with certain situations, so keep reading if you are facing stress in your life right now.

#1: Talk to others

It’s good to talk! When we open up to others, we can relieve some of the pressure that our stresses have built up inside us. We can also benefit from the listening ear of others, and perhaps get some perspective on how we are feeling. In some cases, we might also get the support we need to improve the situation we are facing.

So, don’t be afraid to open up. Talk to the people you can trust, such as valued family members and friends. Seek the services of a counsellor if you need to and get in touch with those specialist services that can help you manage your particular problems. And if you’re feeling stressed right now, these useful contacts might be useful to you.

#2: Take something for your anxiety

When feeling stressed and anxious, there are things you shouldn’t do to ease the way you are feeling. You shouldn’t drink an excessive amount of alcohol and you shouldn’t take any harmful drugs. You know this already of course, but for the sake of your long-term health, a reminder is always useful. But there are things you could take, such as the herbal remedies you will find in your local health store. Some people find green tea an effective stress-reliever and some people benefit from CBD Vape Oil. Your regular doctor will be able to prescribe something to you too so consult with them when you need to.

#3: Try simple calming techniques

When you’re feeling stressed, there are things you can do in the moment to calm your emotions. These deep breathing exercises could be useful, for example, so practice them whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed with negative emotions. Consider these meditative techniques too. These are all things you can do quickly when stress threatens to get the better of you, so have them in your arsenal, and pull them out whenever you need calm.

#4: Use an app

Photo by Konstantin Dyadyun on Unsplash

It’s worth making room on your phone for any app that could offer stress management. We are primarily thinking of mindfulness apps that contain meditative techniques, videos, and calming soundscapes. However, there are also those apps that could distract you from the things that are bothering you.  We are thinking of games, puzzles, and colouring book apps, as examples. This isn’t to say you should ignore your stresses but there are times when we all need something to temporarily remove us from them when anxiety starts to kick in.

#5: Put your thoughts in a journal

Research has shown that journaling can be therapeutic. When you put your thoughts down on paper, you unclutter your mind, release negative emotions, and create positive emotions through creativity. There are different ways to journal your thoughts so try any technique that helps you.

You could write an imaginary letter to the people who are causing you stress as this will help you safely release any negative thoughts you have about them. Or you could write down all the things you are grateful for so your mind is filled with positive instead of negative thoughts. And you can rant about anything that annoys you as letting loose will release you of your pent-up anger. Check out these other journaling ideas for further inspiration.


We can’t escape stresses in life. We can’t put ourselves in a protective bubble either. But what we can do is find ways to experience calm, even when things threaten to get on top of us. The ideas we presented here are just a few examples but you are sure to find more inspiration elsewhere online. So, if your life is stressful right now, don’t despair. Stress can be managed so do what you can to stay calm. With mental focus, you will overcome the way you are feeling.

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