5 Products to Eat this Winter for a Better Mood and Health

Photo source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/red-and-yellow-flower-bud-69047/

For most of people who live in continental climate, the late autumn and winter periods are the most hated. Although there are many things that can bring us happiness, we tend to focus on the most unpleasant aspects: cold and moist weather, a lack of sunshine and fresh seasonal vegetables, unwieldy scratchy clothes we have to wear, and others. In addition, many of us get ill more often, and the necessity to follow winter health tips is the last straw. Nevertheless, you can simply be healthy and happy in the cold season. Read our article about delicious and vital products for health care in winter. And if you are also wondering what to do after a first date, check out!


Juicy, sweet and sour stems of rhubarb have become one of the most popular ingredients for bakery in Europe and South America a long time ago. But this is not the only way to use it. This plant is perfect for cooking salads and garnishes. In winter, rhubarb is a great source of vitamins, folic acid, and dietary fibre. But do not misuse. In big amounts rhubarb can be harmful because of oxalic acid, which is moderately toxic for kidneys.

Kiwi fruit

It’s hard to imagine something healthier and more uplifting than drinking smoothie in the morning. Eating fresh fruits is a key part of health tips for winter season, and kiwi ripen precisely in winter. You can make terrific puree, smoothies, and desserts. Eat it fresh or use like a filling for muffins and pies. Kiwi fruits are best with bananas, citruses, and strawberries.


This is the weirdest and most delightful fruit in our list, in our humble opinion. You can easily find this ingredient in every winter health facts’ article, and the reasons are obvious. Sweet and tart ruby seeds contain B vitamins and folates, their antioxidants reduce risks of heart diseases and cancer. Pomegranates are great for eating fresh and cooking with other vegetables for meat dishes and salads. We also recommend you to drink pomegranate juice in winter.


This product is very healthy and multipurpose. It contains vitamins A, C, and K. The last one is vital for bones’ health. Combine cabbage leaves with other vegetables, stew it or boil it chopped for soups. There are few sorts of cabbage (red, green, bok choy) and all of them are must-have in your fridge.


No healthy ratio can be called so if there’s no avocado in it. This incredibly delicious and multipurpose fruit (yep, it is not a vegetable) can be eaten just peeled, but we recommend you to get the best from your creativity. A sandwich with mashed avocado is a great breakfast, it is also perfect for cold salads. But the most mind-blowing way to cook it is to use mashed avocado instead of buttercream for cakes!

Few more health tips in winter

Indeed, food is vital for our health. Bet we recommend you to follow these additional tips for a better mood and health:

  • Take care of your sleep, do not neglect it for job or study. A bad sleep reduces your immune system.
  • Always stay home if you feel a bit sick, avoid any meetings with ill relatives or friends.
  • Get a vaccination against flu.
  • Don’t be a couch potato. Do sports or at least do the morning exercises if you are not a big fan of sport. Walk and spend time on fresh air at least for an hour every day.
  • Try winter sports and change your mind about entertainment in cold season.
  • If you really suffer from a lack of sunshine, buy a special light lamp (it is widely used in medicine for a depression treatment).
  • Make up yourself a funny and long-lasting hobby: sewing, painting a picture, patchwork, your home redecoration, etc.
  • Make your place cozier, add warmth with candles, aroma lamps, incense, and green plants.
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